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Delinquent Dragons (Ashita no Midora) by Haruki Ara is up!

Posted by TokyoScope on

Delinquent Dragons (Ashita no Midora) by Haruki Ara is up! What happens when you turn the characters of the LINE stickers 'Japanese Bad Girls’ into a comic? ...This project began from that idea. When you open the lid, it seems to be sci-fi on the surface. But the art is an old-fashioned style of the 1960s. The unsettling BGM is also the garage rock style of the 60s–70s.

Does a form of evolution wait ahead with a possibility of distortion? Does a new evolution await through these distorted possibilities? Or, will there be a return to ancient times?

The groovy opening/ending song is "STONE AGE BUG" by Fantasy’s Core.


Delinquent Dragons (Ashita no Midora) by Haruki Ara

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